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Join us this morning as Dr. Michael Brown shares with the Fire community. For more information about Fire Church, contact our offices at 704-782-3610
Speaker: Dr. Michael Brown
Date: Sun, 4/12/13
Robert Adams / May 1, 2013
I have just heard your message on a fresh revelation of Jesus and agree that this is so vitally needed in the church today. It seems that I fight “spiritual lethergy” everywhere I turn. I am part of a ministers fellowship and have been ever since I’ve pastored here.
(which is 20 years) I see the weariness in the faces of many of the ministers and there is a lot of conversation about discouragement. I am not discouraged! It seems at 62 that I have found a new and vibrant relationship with my Lord.! The holy spirit is blowing a fresh wind of his presence into my soul. We started the first of this yeara Sunday night all church prayer meeting every other week and God is visiting us. Please pray that God will help us to be a light to this community and that I will stay true to the preaching of the cross which seems to be such “foolishness” to many today. By the way, I just watched your debate about the legalization of “same sex” marriage and it was very god!